Why do those around us seem to prosper while we drown in financial trouble? Why do I seem to sabotage myself on the road to financial freedom? If you have ever asked yourself these questions the following parable from Craig Hill is for you!

Once upon a time there were three rivers. These rivers flowed through the mountains and past the doorsteps of each family before moving off into the wide world beyond. Each family had a very different approach to their management of the water.

The first family gathered together one sunny afternoon and determined that their future was at risk. There simply was not enough water to support them. Each day they watched as the water flowed right by them without stopping and considered it a great loss to their resources. So they built a dam and watched it carefully to make sure no drop of water got through. A large pool of water developed in front of their house but they continued to live in fear, for there was not enough.

The second family recognized there was enough water for them but only just. They laughed at their foolish neighbours’ dam. Instead they used up all the water which the river brought, for what better use could it be put? And was water not designed to be used by them? So little water was left to flow downstream.

The third family looked at water in a completely different way. The third family asked the important question, “How much water is enough?” They understood how much water was available to them and did not use it all. They determined how much was enough for them and used only that amount. The rest of the water was allowed to flow freely downstream to others.

Spring brought new things and the rivers swelled to double their normal size. The first family found it difficult to keep their dam in place allowing some water downstream because they could not contain it all. They took pride in the fact that they were able to share and still keep the reservoir full. The second family was delighted and built a swimming pool for the children and began to water their lawn. They rejoiced in the plenty and enjoyed all kinds of pleasures, still using up all the water so little was left to go downstream. The third family watched their river swell but used no more water than they had before.

One day the third family was out walking together and noticed another village. This village was nowhere near a river and the people had to travel hours simply to have enough to survive. When they returned home and looked at their own river they realized something spectacular. If they built a canal they could supply the entire village with enough drinking water. So they constructed a canal to the village and watched the community begin to thrive. This brought them such joy that they continued to do this for other communities all around them.

Which family are you?

Most of us spend our entire lives living on the first and second rivers when it comes to money. We want to be generous but we live in fear. If you want to be the third family but don’t know how, a great resource is Five Wealth Secrets 96% of Us Don’t Know by Craig Hill.