Joseph was Pharaoh’s right hand man in Egypt who saved the nations of the ancient world from starvation and extinction. Sold into slavery as a young man, he grew into a position of power and authority in government, business and finance.


Joseph was God’s man in a key time in history. He was also a man who did business with God. He was a successful business and government leader who followed God’s ways, on God’s terms and in God’s timing. (See his story in the Bible’s book of Genesis.) He walked through process and struggle, betrayal and redemption. In the end, he yielded to a dream and the wisdom of God, and was positioned to help thousands of people.


He learned that “Doing Business with God” by serving God alone, was the wisest path to follow. Just as Joseph learned through choices and life experience, so too, we can learn to do business with God. We can learn to surrender to God and His plans for our lives and our business.


What Doing Business with God means for you!

In the work I do coaching entrepreneurs, questions and conversation about leadership qualities come up all the time, but the ideas about being in control of life and business practices always take precedence. Surrender to God is not always a part of our understanding.


Letting go and enjoying the journey

“Doing Business with God” and surrender may be crazy ideas for some of us, but for entrepreneurs they verge on insanity and can be very hard to do.


“Doing Business with God” is doing business differently by letting go of our own way and choosing His. This brings elements of fear and uncertainty, but also joy. It is certainly outside of our comfort zones. Even though we are challenged by management gurus to test ourselves by getting out of our comfort zones, I am not sure this is what they meant.


“Doing Business with God” would certainly qualify as a paradox. It is a life journey that teaches us how to submit to God and subject our will to His, while serving and meeting the needs of others. It may not seem like the best idea to let go of our “control” and surrender to God, but it is the best thing we will ever do.


Following this path

Doing Business with God not only means surrender but involves what I call “showing up the right way” with honesty, integrity, love and compassion.

It means showing up the right way:

  • for your family,
  • for God,
  • for relationships.
  • for your spouse,
  • and for your business relationships.


By showing up the right way we become messengers for God who learn from failures and build lives on Christ and His unshakeable foundation.


What this has meant for me

Following this path has meant:

  • Entrusting myself to God’s care and asking Him to lead me into the next step.
  • Seeing other business people doing business with God and experiencing powerful transformation.
  • Wanting to experience that same transformation and walk with others.
  • Using the gifts and abilities he has put within me, not trying to be someone I am not.
  • Becoming an encourager and motivator that lifts others up and stands with them no matter what.
  • Becoming a man who fears the Lord and delights greatly in His commandments (See Psalm 112).


“Doing Business with God” and “showing up the right way” provides me with joy and peace by having faith in God, and allows me to work from my core strength by trusting in God. It also allows me to help people create the pathway where they use their God-given gifts and talents. I see people taking responsibility to do things better at home, on the job, and in all their dealings. I watch God transform people’s knowledge and understanding into ones with an eternal perspective.


Doing Business with God leads us out of our comfort zones and onto a path of surrender, joy, peace and adventure. We become His messengers with His message just as Joseph once was in the land of Egypt.



Bron Vasic is a Chartered Accountant and Certified Management Consultant. For over 30 years, he has been providing business leaders with the leadership and management knowledge to help them find a better way to balance their business challenges. Bron is also a More Than Enough financial coach. To learn more about Bron visit To talk with Bron, call the MTE office and book an appointment.



More than Enough is a team of financial fitness coaches and trained mortgage agents working together to help you live free of debt, find joy in giving and experience a life of abundance. If you are looking for a Christian mortgage agent or financial advice, please visit our “Contact Us” page.