In a world where our lives seem to operate on the run, finding time to sit and think seems an impossibility, even a waste of the little time we do have. Yet if we do not have the time to sit and think we cannot answer the one important question asked by Henry David Thoreau: “It is not enough to be busy. So are the ants. The question is: What are we busy about?” There are three things we are convinced of in our busy lives.

Have more!

How much is enough? Our culture cries “Just a little bit more!” Many of us imagine with more money we would be happier, more successful and the stress and fear would be relieved. This simply isn’t true, we must determine for ourselves how much is enough and realize different income levels bring different challenges, fears and stress. It is not about the money, it is about our hearts.


Write a list including everything you are stressed about. It may seem like a waste of time but putting scattered thoughts to paper is incredibly helpful. It enables us to see things from a different perspective and articulate what is roaming around inside of our heads.

Be more!

From the time we can breathe there is expectation placed on us to be something and make something of ourselves. Get good grades, a good job and meet everyone’s expectations. Yet, God does not compare us to the next guy or ask us to do more than just invite him into our every moment.


Allow God into the process, open up and be vulnerable with Him. He wants to be a part of your life and we cannot live a life of financial freedom if we are tied down with guilt over what we are not. As hard as it is to believe, God does not ask us to be more. He simply asks us to be with Him.

Do more!

Everything about the current culture is designed to get us on a treadmill with the speed set at sprint. The media, those around us and the fascination with the ‘American Dream’ all play into a life which encourages us to do more and more and more.


We all need to get off the treadmill. In order to make sound, practical financial decisions we need time to think. Carve out some time for yourself to listen to God’s voice and expect Him to answer.

While in our modern society many of these suggestions will be written off as a waste of time, they are important. To be able to evaluate your financial future as well as other decisions taking a breath is important. So get off the treadmill and set your own speed.