It starts with a dream…
Several years ago, I had a dream in which I was standing at an ATM machine. I was in line for several minutes, only to put my card in and watch as the machine spit out American tens, fives and ones and then nothing! I wanted to panic as I had anticipated getting twenties and more money.
Suddenly, I looked to my right and saw another ATM machine with a man clothed in white standing beside it. There was no lineup and I knew I needed to move over to that machine. As I then stood in front of it, the dream suddenly ended. I sensed the Lord speaking to me “I want you to step into My economy”.
This dream remains with me and has caused me to ponder what exactly does this phrase ‘economy of God’ mean? While I do continue my quest to understand this term, here are a few of my thoughts so far.

Three things I consider when thinking through this term ‘economy’ are:
1) The dictionary defines ‘economy’ as “careful management of available resources” and includes such concepts as thrift, providence, prudence, careful budgeting, saving, restraint, and frugality;
2) In the Greek it pertains to “stewardship or administration related to a household”;
3) Throughout the New Testament we hear Jesus speaking about His Kingdom having come. He often spoke about it within the context of servants being judged for their stewardship of what has been entrusted to them by their master i.e. Luke 16:1-13.
My sense is that God is looking for us to have a far greater perspective in managing our finances than the immediate here and now. He wants us to consider an eternal perspective. I believe He is my King and He rules over a Kingdom as described in His Word. As a believer in Him, I am a part of this Kingdom. I believe He has asked us to work in partnership with Him in stewarding or administrating this Kingdom as He leads and directs –in this case from a financial perspective. I have come to realize that all that He has given me belongs to Him – the full 100%.

So this begs the question – how does He ask me to steward these financial resources?
First, our Lord and King makes it clear in Scripture that He is the source of all things, including our finances. He then lays out principles for us in both the Old and New Testament that include such areas as debt, savings, tithes, offering and gifts. We follow these principles in obedience but He also desires us to seek His leading as part of the process.
We ask Him what would bless and give Him joy in our financial stewardship. This question not only relates to where we tithe and release our offerings and gifts but also includes how we spend and manage our own personal finances in day-to-day living.
In essence, the economy of God is being aware and intentional in how you and I administrate the financial resources He puts at our disposal. I believe He releases financial creativity within us and blesses us for the healthy functioning of our families and communities. Included in this process is a joyful and active engagement with Him, a partnering, an asking for direction and guidance, a releasing in obedience, a seeking to bless, and, ultimately, seeing fruit borne and the Kingdom of God extended. This will have eternal rewards as His Word says.
I hope my musings have challenged you to consider whether you have entered into the economy of God
Ray Borg is the National Director of Compass Canada, a worldwide, non-profit, interdenominational ministry that teaches people of all ages how to handle money based on the Bible.
Ray, great blog! I love the statement that the Father is our source for everything including our finances. How often we forget the He provides for us to be able to share with others.
Thanks for the good thoughts.
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