The New Year has come and gone, and here we find ourselves on the verge of the month of March. Yet, the New Year’s resolutions are still lingering on our minds. Like everyone, we all need and want to make a difference with our lives.

It is the start of a new phase.  

As we look into this year, perhaps we are going to have the courage to change the way we do our journey by inviting God into the planning. It is always the best place to start.


Being consistent is how we make progress in achieving our goals and having the life we want. Sometimes being consistent can be difficult because we know we want to make progress but have no clue how to set goals and hold ourselves accountable. Here are a few tips that will start you on your way to setting and achieving any goal.


1. Setting goals and expectations

Allow yourself to dream and ask God to inspire those dreams! This may take time and it is always best to be able to share with your spouse or your best friend. In other words don’t keep this to yourself!


Sharing these expectations will help you stay on track and remind you why you started on your journey in the first place. Having these expectations of yourself will help when those negative thoughts arise. Counteract those negatives with five positive affirmations each time; reminding yourself what you will do to stay on track will push you through those tough spots. Being in prayer about these is always powerful.


2. Make a decision to commit to do something

You have made a decision to work towards a goal, so you need to make the decision to be committed to the end goal. This doesn’t mean you have to do a ton of stuff every day just to reach your goal, but you need to work on it frequently. The key here is figuring out how that thing you want to be consistent about makes you feel. For example, If you want to workout consistently, how does that workout make you feel? Understanding your emotions towards it, will help you stay focused and keep your commitment.


3. Being accountable with someone you trust

Now that you know what you want, it’s time to make a plan. Writing down your goals and breaking down your goal into smaller attainable goals will help you form a plan to stay dedicated and consistent in your efforts. Short and fast goals will help you gain momentum to reach that desired end result, no matter the long-term goal.


I have always found that it is best to have an accountability partner. This is someone who will hold you to it when you aren’t feeling energized or into the goal. It could be a friend, significant other, or family member. You can help each other find motivation. By working on a goal with someone else, it means you have to show up for more than just yourself.

4. Do not expect perfection


Understanding this may be the biggest piece of your journey. Give yourself margin.

Working towards a goal more days than not is part of the journey, but it doesn’t mean perfection. It’s okay to miss a day. We are human and we are imperfect, so don’t expect your progress to be perfect. I set my workout goal for seven days a week because I really want to get to it five days a week and I know I’m not perfect. I won’t work out seven days a week every week or even any week, but I try to work out more days than I miss. Remember that consistency is key. If you have a bad day, just try again the next day. If you slip, just get back on track when you can. Don’t see it as a total failure.


The Final Say

Ultimately, these are simply guidelines that will assist you. Pray each day and focus on what God wants you to achieve. Remember that surrendering our plan to God and abiding in what He has for us each day will help you stay on track.



Need help?

If you need more help on this journey as an entrepreneur, business owner or person seeking financial help or ideas on setting goals, contact More Than Enough. You can find the hope you need, and the focus and freedom to reach your goals.


Bron Vasic is a Chartered Accountant and Certified Management Consultant. For over 30 years, he has been providing business leaders with the leadership and management knowledge to help them find a better way to balance their business challenges. Bron is also a More Than Enough financial coach. To learn more about Bron visit To talk with Bron, call the MTE office and book an appointment.