A Message from the Desk of David van Noppen
In our finances we will always have difficulty making ‘cents’ of money without Christ. G.K. Chesterton argues in his work Orthodoxy that we need Christianity, specifically Christ, to make sense of the world.
“A key and a lock are both complex — and if a key fits in a lock you know it is the right key.” (Chapter 6, Orthodoxy, G.K. Chesterton)
I have observed the world around and seen the hollowness of those in the pursuit of more. They are hoping to find satisfaction using money and possessions. This is the wrong key.
Looking to the world’s system to unlock a God-made lock on your heart will not lead to fulfilment.
Every day I see people -good people- attempting to fit the “worlds financial keys” into the “God Lock” and it just does not
open the door to satisfaction, fulfilment, contentment or purpose.
Whether your income is $20,000 or $200,000, when we consider money in the light of Christ it changes everything.
How can I say this so confidently?
The message of the world is MORE: “You are not enough yet! Get more, be more, do more.”
The message of the God is LOVE: God cannot love you more than he does at this very moment.
The world says: “You need more stuff.”
God says: “Come to me and be satisfied I have all you need. Trust my love to give you what you need when you need it.”
The world says: “This gadget will make you complete.”
Gods says: “My love for you is complete already, just receive it. I give it freely.”
Money is a key, no doubt about it, but it cannot unlock the desires of your heart. That is why Christ came: to restore the heart of man to the heart of God!
Read the Gospels and what Christ says about the use of money. His priorities centre around taking care of the poor, widow, the orphan, and the man in the ditch.
Money is designed to provide for your family, to influence your neighbour for eternal salvation, to bring Glory to God through beauty of sacrifice.
At the beginning of 2017 if one of your resolutions is to get better with your finances then let me give you a key that will fit the lock of your heart. Make every spending decision a spiritual one.
Wondering what this means? Start with the Gospels.
Read them, pay close attention to the parts where Christ is teaching and what He says about finances and just start with those things that impact you.
The average person reads 200-300 words per minute.
There are 64,766 words in the Gospels.
That would mean it takes the average reader three and a half hours to read the Gospels.
Not a reader? Listen to it audibly and write down any things that jump out at you.
When you think of it that is very little time for such a huge return. Unlocking your heart to the King of the Universe!