Are we content?
I want you to stop. Take a moment and really ponder this question.
Am I content?
If we are not at rest then we need to ask ourselves why and what we are going to do about it. When it comes to our finances, discontent leads us to spend more than we have on things we don’t really want.
Contentment comes from gratitude and knowing that God is near to you. So how do we take Paul’s advice to the Philippians to rejoice always?
Recognize the Bombardment We Are Under
Every hour of the day we are faced with a world which wants us to keep up with the Jones’. This focus on all the material possessions, relationships or trips that we don’t have make it very difficult to practice an attitude of gratitude. If we can be aware of the messages swirling around us we will be able to combat the messages which do not foster contentment.
Say 10 Thank-Yous a Day
It is so important to externalize our gratitude so this attitude goes beyond our comfort zone. Try saying ten thank-yous a day and let us know how it changes your focus.
Be Aware
What are you grateful for? Asking yourself this question on a regular basis will start a habit which will encourage us to be content even when we are faced with challenging circumstances.
Spend Time Focusing on God
Taking time in the morning or in the evening to reflect on who God is and where he has appeared in your day is an extremely valuable way to cultivate gratitude. Beth Moore has a tool which is helpful for this entitled God STOP: Savouring The Observable Presence. Each evening sit down with your journal and write down the moment in your day where you saw God’s presence in your life.
Look At Your Last 3 Months Bank Statements
Take some time to look at your spending for the last three months and ask yourself the question: what is motivating your spending decisions? Are you spending out of discontentment?
When we are truly grateful we can be truly content. Rebecca van Noppen from Let’s Talk Money says “We are not saying life is rosy, we are not even saying life is about happiness. There is meaning in life, there are things to learn, there are ways to grow and we can choose dissatisfaction. We can choose the negative path or we can choose even just saying to the Lord ‘God help me be grateful’.”
So which path do you choose?