At a time when people are grappling with many economic and financial situations in their families and homes, Dave and Reb thought it would be timely to talk about the Financial Coaching offered by More Than Enough Financial. On today’s “Let’s Talk Money with Dave and Reb”, they explain why coaching is about more than just getting out of debt. 

“Every day we have a choice of living debt free, but there are so many factors in our lives that can lead us in the opposite direction,” Reb says. “Sometimes you need someone to walk alongside you who will show you the good path and cheer you along the way.”

More Than Enough Coaching is just the place you will find both practical help and spiritual direction as you not only dig into the practical handling of money, but the heart issues around money.

“We know that financial issues are not really about the money, but the thoughts and beliefs in our minds and hearts,” Dave says. “Our coaching workshop called Unleashed helps people stop long enough to take an honest look at their actions and motives around finances.”

To hear their conversation tune in, or go to to find out about the different financial coaching programs they offer.