Dave and Reb are taking a break from recording for a few weeks and are re-airing some of their favourites. They will be back next week with some new money conversations. Happy summer and enjoy!

Dave and Reb welcome back Dr. Keith Webb, founder and president of Creative Results Management, on today’s “Let’s Talk Money”. They continue their discussion about coaching, and how changing the conversation by listening and asking questions will change the results people see in their lives. 

Dr. Webb says the coaches he trains and speaks to are encouraged to “draw out” what God is already speaking to people about. 

“As coaches we want to help people reflect more deeply and find their own way,” he says. “It’s not advice giving or what I like to call ‘no-it-allism’.”

Clearly, his leadership training found in his book The Coach Model for Christian Leaders is practical in all kinds of relationships at work and at home. (https://keithwebb.com/coach-model/)

Questions like: “What is the result you are looking for?”, “How bad do you want that change?”, or “Can you tell me more about that?” are among the many questions we can ask people to show compassion and care, all the while “drawing out” what is inside of them.

Asking good questions can only come when we listen well. This is the other piece of coaching, changing conversations, and getting results that Dr. Webb talks about. 

“People feel cared for when they are listened to,” Dr. Webb says. “If I feel heard, then I feel loved.”

To learn more about Dr. Webb, his book, and his ministry, go to creativeresultsmanagement.com, or keithwebb.com. Today’s show is sponsored by More Than Enough Financial – a financial coaching, tax and mortgage company helping people find hope and freedom in their finances one day at a time. Go to www.morethanenough.ca to find out more about how financial coaching can change your life.