How do we take ownership of our story and rejoice in what we have when shame becomes attached to our identity and tells us to hide? On episode #380 of “Let’s Talk Money with Dave and Reb”, psychotherapist Amanda van Noppen addresses the limiting behavior that comes out of shame and how your brain’s response to shame impacts your financial story. Tune in and listen as Amanda coaches Dave and Reb through tools to identify and prevent shame from controlling and influencing their behavior. 

“Shame says hide me away, keep me quiet, make me small,” reflects Amanda. “Shame becomes an identity and then we feel like we have to hide our mistakes.”  

This episode is sponsored by the Ottawa-based Crosspoint Financial team led by Brent Vandermeer. There, you will discover a place to invest with purpose as the Crosspoint asset management and financial planning team helps you achieve your goals and dreams across all facets of life. Go to to find out more, or to book an appointment with a financial advisor. 

To order Reb’s e-book, audio book, or soft-cover copy of Cultivating Trust: Finding God’s Hope and Freedom for Your Finances, go to Cultivating Trust here! Or

To learn more about Amanda, go to Or on instagram: vannoppenpsychotherapy

NOTE: Make sure you check out our bonus feature with Amanda on our YouTube Channel—Let’s Talk Money with Dave and Reb”.