by Rebecca van Noppen | Mar 7, 2025 | Articles, Featured Blog, Financial Fitness |
By Bron Vasic with Rebecca van Noppen Did we know how prophetic the Disney Princess Anna would be in the midst of Covid when she reminded the world to do the next right thing in the animated film Frozen II? In times of uncertainty, confusion, and a path that wasn’t...
by Rebecca van Noppen | Dec 13, 2024 | Articles, Financial Fitness
By Reb van Noppen The Big Blue Whale—a Dodge Ram full size conversion van—was one of Dave’s bucket-list finds at a local auction. It suited his height, his desire for vehicle space, and fit our family of seven just perfectly, along with dogs. It was our home away from...
by Rebecca van Noppen | Oct 11, 2024 | Articles, Personal stories and journeys
By Rebecca van Noppen “Let me pay for that,” the young woman said behind me as I finished packing up my groceries. The cashier was holding up a jug of apple cider that had been forgotten, laying on the conveyor belt in no-man’s-land between groceries paid and those...
by Rebecca van Noppen | Mar 31, 2024 | Articles
If you need a concrete tool to help you fulfil financial goals, the SMART and SMARTER acronyms may just be what you need! A goal is a dream with a deadline. Napoleon Hill Some of you may have heard of the “S.M.A.R.T. way to write management’s goals and objectives”...
by Rebecca van Noppen | Jan 12, 2024 | Articles, Biblical Financial Principles
Where do we go to find this hope and freedom? Where are we putting our hope that freedom will come? Can it really be called hope and freedom if the source is not God Creator, Jesus Redeemer, and Holy Spirit Guide? Where do we put our trust? Where are we looking? What...