Coming out of a year of grief and loss, you start to think that you can’t take much more bad news or heartache. Then, the global pandemic hits and you realize that circumstances don’t discriminate. Neither does disease.
Coming out of a year of grief and loss, you start to think that you can’t take much more bad news or heartache. Then, the global pandemic hits and you realize that circumstances don’t discriminate. Neither does disease.
Stay calm, and do the next right thing. Last week I told you about my friend in Bergamo, Italy who took in her friend who was panicked, sick and had children to care for. From her quarantine, she shared with us that staying calm is essential in these days of uncertainty.
She is in the midst of the COVID-19 crisis, and is a few days further down this crisis path than we are. The numbers coming out of Italy are alarming. She has been socially distancing for weeks, but now, despite concerns for her own health, she is reaching out to a friend in need.
Today in this Advent season, I think of King Ahaz’s refusal to ask for a sign, even when God tells him he should. And like the beautiful, majestic and all-knowing God He is, He gives the word of Hope anyway through the prophet Isaiah.
f any of you have hung around our More Than Enough Financial offices in Ottawa, you have heard a few one-liners that David – our head coach and CEO – likes to use to remind people to stay out of financial debt.