It Hurts to Pay Cash

It Hurts to Pay Cash

Financial Gain through Pain “There is no coming to consciousness without pain.” Carl Jung, Swiss psychiatrist and psychoanalyst As the saying goes there is no gain without pain, or as Jung has said, there is no coming to conscious awareness without feeling pain....
Maximizing Your Mortgage Strategy

Maximizing Your Mortgage Strategy

Most of us only think about our mortgages twice: once when we purchase and again at renewal. Unfortunately this often means we lack strategy throughout the life of our mortgage which can cost us money and prevent us from paying down the mortgage as fast as possible....
Comparing Kills Contentment

Comparing Kills Contentment

Our call, as God’s children, is to be content with what we have. In the book of Hebrews, God tells us to keep ourselves free from the love of money and be content with what we have, for He Himself has promised never to leave us or forsake us. (See Hebrews 13:5) He...
Being Shepherded by God – Part 1

Being Shepherded by God – Part 1

Being Shepherded by God Personal Reflections from MTE coach Bron Vasic We were talking about Psalm 23 on today’s radio show Let’s Talk Money with Dave and Reb on CHRI. Dave and Reb were discussing the beauty of being shepherded by God, and as I took part in the...
I Come to the Garden

I Come to the Garden

Coming to the Garden     This blog is not the same as others you have seen on the website, but it does beckon you to bring the cup of your sorrows into the Garden where Jesus is. He calls us to come – in the midst of our life’s challenges, financial...