The Fallacy of Financial Independence

The Fallacy of Financial Independence

By Tim Jenkins I believe financial independence is impossible. Though most people pursue it; I certainly did in my early years of business. However, I now believe something better is possible. Financial independence is heavily promoted by the financial industry....
The Myth of Earning Your Rest Pt 2

The Myth of Earning Your Rest Pt 2

At our More Than Enough office, we often hear ourselves, and our clients, slip into some verbal language that envelops a whole belief system of entitlement. I deserve. I have the right to. I earned it.   What is Good I work hard and so do you. I earn what I have....
The Myth of Earning Your Rest Pt 1

The Myth of Earning Your Rest Pt 1

My girlfriend was heading to the cottage recently located on a very quiet and beautiful lake just past Perth. I had been there on a previous trip so I knew her destination well. I wasn’t jealous, but I was looking to the distant future when I could be “off and away”...
Trusting the Ripcord

Trusting the Ripcord

More Than Enough Financial coach and mortgage agent David van Noppen took a leap recently that sent him free-falling from 9000 feet above the earth. After falling from the plane for 30 seconds, his tandem partner pulled the ripcord, opening the parachute. Within...