by More Than Enough | Sep 8, 2017 | Articles
What is the best way to go about obtaining a good credit score? Credit has become an important and often contentious issue in our society. Getting and maintaining a credit rating is becoming increasingly important for those who wish to purchase a home. Establishing a...
by More Than Enough | Aug 25, 2017 | Articles |
Sometimes as business people, we can feel like second rate Christians. The Church often displays those ‘in ministry’ without emphasizing the role of those whose call is outside the confines of traditional ministry opportunities. In John Rinehart’s book Gospel Patrons,...
by More Than Enough | Aug 3, 2017 | Articles
As a student, August always seems to surprise me! Preparing for the new school year can be both daunting and exciting, especially for university students as we see our tuition costs climbing. Here are some of the things I do to prepare which makes the school year run...
by Rebecca van Noppen | Jul 28, 2017 | Articles |
So what’s the point? The point of getting out of debt? We have spent four weeks talking about the “Why and How of Debt” on “Let’s Talk Money with Dave and Reb”, and I sit here wondering if debt is something that we really understand. It strips us of freedom, burdens...
by Rebecca van Noppen | Jul 1, 2017 | Articles
Dominion from sea to sea It’s our Canadian motto. From sea to sea is inscribed in the stonework of Parliament Hill – A Mari usque ad Mare – a reminder of the vastness of our nation, a reminder of the words of God that inspired that motto, and a reminder...
by More Than Enough | May 17, 2017 | Articles
The Loop released a list of 150 awesome things to do in Canada to celebrate the 150th birthday of our country. You can see their full list here. We have shortened this list to 50 things you can do in Ottawa this summer! Watch the fireworks in Ottawa. The...