by More Than Enough | Dec 18, 2015 | Articles
In a world where our lives seem to operate on the run, finding time to sit and think seems an impossibility, even a waste of the little time we do have. Yet if we do not have the time to sit and think we cannot answer the one important question asked by Henry David...
by Darryl | Dec 11, 2015 | Articles
Celebrate life. This Christmas. Celebrate life. Don’t hold back. Celebrate. Every day. Celebrate. Not just this season. Not just December 25. Every day. Celebrate life, love, family, goodness, kindness. Don’t just celebrate if it’s easy. Celebrate in...
by Darryl | Dec 4, 2015 | Articles
Do you remember what you got for Christmas last year? What about the year before? These memories have probably faded and been replaced with the events of yesterday or anticipation of tomorrow. What gifts do you remember and what made them special? So often we forget...
by Bron Vasic | Nov 27, 2015 | Articles, Featured Blog |
Fear. It seizes us. Changes us. Consumes us. Some say FEAR stands for: False Emotions Appearing Real. However, fear is very real. There is nothing false about what we are feeling. Our whole body changes. We seize up. We can’t sleep. We try to pretend...
by More Than Enough | Nov 20, 2015 | Articles
Rich. What does the word really mean? The dictionary defines rich as “Having wealth or great possessions; abundantly supplied with resources, means or funds; wealthy.” Yet this definition seems too vague to describe a word which drives our North American...
by More Than Enough | Nov 13, 2015 | Articles |
It starts with a dream… Several years ago, I had a dream in which I was standing at an ATM machine. I was in line for several minutes, only to put my card in and watch as the machine spit out American tens, fives and ones and then nothing! I wanted to panic as...