Skin in the Game: Addressing the Myth

Skin in the Game: Addressing the Myth

“Skin in the game, skin in the game” that phrase seems to be the clarion call for so much of what we do to disqualify us from experiencing God at work in our world today. If I feel someone does not have skin in the game then I do not want to waste my time and money on...
Embrace Change that Makes a Difference

Embrace Change that Makes a Difference

Die to the old way and embrace the new!  We are continually making plans for a new way. We want new things, new hairstyles, new cars, new ideas and new hope that will bring a new way forward, and yet there is part of us that wants us to stay in our comfort zone; a...
Giving: Ruts in our Thinking

Giving: Ruts in our Thinking

Sometimes our thinking falls into ruts when it comes to giving. We become so focused on our own perspective that we forget God is all about expanding our perception. When it comes to giving there are so many questions but the truth is our thinking is all wrong....
5 Secrets to Lasting Financial Change

5 Secrets to Lasting Financial Change

By Lynn Fraser Did you know the challenges and solutions to stewarding our money and our bodies are the same? I was just reading Rick Warren’s book, The Daniel Plan: 40 days to a Healthier Life and he reminded me of this. Perhaps it is because both of these...
Celebrating Easter Monday, this Thanksgiving

Celebrating Easter Monday, this Thanksgiving

Did you know we are celebrating Easter Monday on Thanksgiving Monday? Well I didn’t either, until a slip of my mind and tongue declared it so. Like many women, I work and teach and mother and love and pray and hope and live a full life. Sometimes the details pile up...