The Truth about Market Lies
If you read the business section of any major newspaper or website in the last month, I’m sure you saw headlines suggesting what would happen in the markets in 2019.
If you read the business section of any major newspaper or website in the last month, I’m sure you saw headlines suggesting what would happen in the markets in 2019.
No matter the scale of the celebration, plans needed to be made by parents in the Reesor community, and years later by my parents as we – their children – grew and celebrated the merriment of the season with immediate and extended families.
Every year at this time, as September begins, fall comes, and school starts, we set our sites on canning and preserving for the winter. It’s kind of in my blood.
I’d tried many years to manage my financial affairs only to find myself deeper in debt with every passing year. Finally, I surrendered to the fact that I needed help.
How do you want to be remembered? What are you leaving behind? This is the second of three blogs that consider legacy and what we leave behind.
Lynne Dixon passed into eternity this summer. Many of you won’t know her. Some of you might. In my heartfelt opinion, she left the earth a little too early. There was more life for her to live and to give.