Our financial journey can often leave us feeling like we are a boat being tossed to and fro on the waves of life without a proper anchor. We can find that, what we once thought would carry us through financially, is only a mirage of safety and security. We pull up anchor, and there is nothing at the end of the anchor chain.

We are left holding onto the chain of fear instead. And we realize our hope is gone.


Connected to a lack of trust and peace, anxiety, insecurity, and passivity.


Scriptures teach us over and over again, that we are not to be afraid, but we are to call on God and put our trust in Him, so that no matter when adversity comes, we are holding strong like the deep roots of a tree in drought, reaching down to find the waters that will sustain it in difficult times.

But for many of us, myself included, fear becomes what we hold onto in our financial journey, and instead of trusting God, we put our trust in family, friends or banking institutions to help us through our financial adversity. This sometimes leads to debt and more debt, and an increased lack of peace.

There are over a hundred Scripture verses that speak to us about not being afraid. In John 14 Jesus teaches us not to be afraid because He is leaving His peace and His Holy Spirit. We are not alone. The peace of Christ dwells within us.

In all honesty, this peace is not the reality of what we live with, and fear is.

What does fear look like?

According to Ellel Canada Regional Director Kent Bandy, fear is a big issue inside the church and inside of each one of us, and is a tough issue to face. Fear is often a symptom of a deeper root issue in our relationship with God. At Ellel, a healing ministry to the body of Christ, fear is something they often see. Bandy says that fear is the symptom of not receiving our love and security from God the Father. The key to changing this part of our lives is not just knowing that God loves us, but applying the truth that God loves us to specific areas where we are afraid. In this case, our finances. Bandy says it is like putting the soap on specific dirty spots: “If the soap and the dirty spot don’t meet, there will be no cleaning happening.”

Signs of fear operating in our lives around money include:

  • Anxiety
  • Worry
  • Lack of peace
  • Insecurity
  • Isolation and not wanting to be accountable for financial decisions
  • Passivity
  • No desire to change financial habits

Looking at passivity

Passivity is not often talked about in relation to fear. But often we don’t deal with our financial issues because we are afraid of what facing our finances might mean for our lives,  relationships, and lifestyle. As a result we don’t say what we should say, do what we should do, or face what we should face.

What should we do?

  • Recognize fear and the symptoms of fear in our lives. Recognize that living with fear is normal in our fallen world. Everyone on the planet struggles with fear.
  • Remember God is good. He is not wanting to show us our weaknesses to affirm our inabilities and problems, but to reveal them, so we can be healed. He wants to strengthen our relationship of trust with Him because He loves each of us. He is not bringing fear to our attention to further enslave us, but to set us free.
  • Remember that God is for us, and is faithful.
  • Remember to wait on God. The answer doesn’t always come right away.
  • Focus on the choice to trust, despite circumstances or feelings of fear. Don’t focus on the fear but focus on who God is, and how He has helped you in the past.

  • Remember His peace and Spirit are within us. We are His temple.
  • Surrender. Surrender your feelings of fear, call to God, and He will remind you of the truth.


And when we fail?

Pick yourself up again. Look to heaven and choose to trust that His grace and mercy are greater than your failings and fear. He knows and remembers that we are dust (Psalm 103). He is not surprised by our struggles, but He is with us to strengthen us and pick us up. As Scripture tells us, focus and fix our eyes on Jesus. He is the one who authors and perfects our faith in Him.


Rebecca van Noppen is Communications Director at More Than Enough. She is also a teacher, home educator, writer, and woman who loves to pray. A lover of Jesus, she works alongside her husband Financial Coach Dave van Noppen to help others find hope and freedom in Christ on their financial journeys.