This African Proverb is one of those sayings that has turned to cliché but has such a profound truth right in plain sight.  Community and the family have been eroding in Canada as time pressure squeezes out relationship.

One of the sweeping themes through the whole of the Bible is the idea of God moving people into communities where they will bless others and others will be blessed by them.  Jesus talks about this over and over in the New Testament, but before I get to far ahead let’s just start with a definition.  The simplest and I think most obvious is found in the word itself and so for our purposes today we will use that, although I acknowledge that there are more definitions that are available.

Comm—unity:  If I divide the word up like this it gives the simple definition of Common – Unity.  A unified body of individuals with a common purpose or characteristic. (Webster)

In humanity it begins with the trinity.  Perfect community between Jesus, God the father, and the Holy Spirit.  Adam and Eve were offered perfect community, in fact God sees the need for Adam to have community even beyond the perfect unity of God and man, and creates Eve.  Each day from the “fall of mankind” is another day God is moving to the restoring that perfect community that He desired at creation.  Today I simply want to make the statement that there are few things in this world that have a greater impact, either to see extraordinary things happen or to see extraordinary things destroyed.

“A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. 35 By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.” John 13:34

This is why the family and community is under such attack – Satan knows how powerful community is and he is actively engaged in destroying it at any level: financial, relational, and personal.

Why don’t you take an hour this week and do a little inventory?  Ask yourself the question how is the health of my “common-unity”?

Am I Common-unity with those in my immediate family?  Your spouse, your children, your brothers or sisters, your parents,

Am I Common-unity with those in my Church, your pastor, leadership, small group?

Am I Common-unity with those in my work, boss, co-workers, and clients?

Am I Common-unity with those socially—neighbours, extracurricular activities,

My challenge for you today it to intentionally seek out Common-unity in our lives in those areas or others that you may think of – If you have identified somewhere you are not then take steps to make it happen this week !   Here are 2 things that you can do to get started:

Call – This is the preferred starting place (although granted the hardest) you may have to start the conversation with “I am sorry I have not connected with you …”

Write – Email, text, message, Facebook – there really are so many options

You just never know what will happen when you take the first step to Community!  It may change the world.

Finally as a note I am not saying that you have to have deep and meaningful relationships with everyone, that may not be possible or even healthy, but what I am saying is be aware of those people who you are avoiding or don’t want to hang around and ask yourself.  “Is there an offence or reason I am avoiding this relationship?”