Coaching is a very important piece of what we do at More than Enough. Having a coach is the most effective ways to become debt free for life. Through consistent and committed coaching, you are able to enter into the life of freedom which God has for you.


What is a coach?

Merriam-Webster defines a coach as “one who instructs or trains.” While this is true, in this case there are three key attributes of a coach.

  • A coach has an outside perspective. Finances are very personal and very emotional for many of us. They trigger our deepest desires and fears and influence our spending and saving decisions. A coach steps back, sees the big picture and then encourages you to do the same.
  • A coach walks the journey with you. Coaching is not designed to be one perpetual guilt trip, nor to shame you for mistakes. A coach walks alongside and helps you work through the everyday stresses and joys. This kind of relationship is a place of safety for you to work through your fears and questions surrounding money.
  • A coach pushes you beyond your comfort zone. They encourage you to press forward in pursuit of the truly important things. They encourage change and ask difficult questions. In this way, a coach is truly someone who encourages you to look honestly at yourself so you can grow.


What is the benefit of a coach?

There are decided benefits to having a coach in your life, whether this is a formal arrangement or not. While opening up to someone in such a vulnerable way can be scary, the benefits far outweigh everything.

  • A coach will be someone to walk beside you every step of the way. You will not need to make spending decisions alone because there will always be someone to bounce the ideas off of.
  • Having a coach will force transparency and honesty with yourself and others. Once you can be honest about where your money is, you will be able to tell it where to go.
  • Sometimes we all need some encouragement to “keep on keeping on”. This is especially true on our financial journey. A coach can offer the hope we cannot offer ourselves.


What will make coaching successful?

This last question has a simple answer: commitment. Coaching can only be effective if you are committed to changing, no matter what the cost. A coach can pick you up and push you forward but they cannot change your spending habits and lifestyle for you. Ultimately the decision is up to you, do you want freedom? And what are you willing to change?


If you are interested in financial coaching please feel free to call our office at 613.520.4157. Our staff will be able to answer any questions you might have about the process.

