Money is important to God. There are fewer than 500 verses in the Bible about faith and more than 2,000 related to money and possessions (Laurie). Why is this subject so important to God?

We cannot serve two masters and money is the biggest stumbling block in our relationship with God and with others. The most effective way to overcome money’s hold on our hearts is through discipleship.

Discipleship creates a loving, encouraging and accountable relationship to help walk with us through our money story.


Loving Environment

Small groups, mentors, coaches or any method of discipleship first and foremost create an environment of love. Money and shame have become synonymous for many North Americans but a safe space to discuss and ask questions about money is imperative.  It breeds conversation, hope and trust which will motivate us to make changes.



Discipleship encourages you to keep going when the going gets tough. There are days when making the right choices is hard and we feel alone. Having others around to support and encourage keeps us on the path towards freedom. Instead of being stuck inside of a cone of silence we are permitted to speak out about the problems we struggle with.



One of the most important aspects of discipleship is accountability. Encouragement and a place of safety are important but to make true financial changes we need accountability. Accountability goes beyond encouraging, it forces us to ask the hard questions and pushes us further than we thought possible.


There are many ways to get involved with discipling or being discipled.

  • Connect with those you respect and have them mentor you.
  • More than Enough also offers one-on-one coaching. Reach out to our office at 613.520.4157 for more information.
  • Compass Canada offers training and materials for small group studies. These foster this loving, encouraging and accountable relationships. If you would like to become a facilitator you can go to to learn more.

We are not alone and having others around to keep the conversation open, alive and challenging is extremely important to our success.

