“That’s all the lumber–that’s all the lumber
that’s all the lumber you sent
Looks like the builder–man he’s got your number
That’s all the lumber you sent.” (The Lumber Song)

Don’t store up treasures on earth but store up treasures in heaven. In the Christian world we have heard this principle preached over and over again. What does this really mean and how can we determine where our hearts, and therefore are treasures, are?


Set Aside Time to Discover your Purpose

The simplest way to determine where your heart lies is spending time alone. This is especially true during busy seasons. Our focus can be distracted very easily and therefore our purpose lost.

Rather than focusing on pursuing wealth, happiness or pleasing other people, take the time to decide what is truly important to you.

Track Your Spending

Our bank accounts and our calendars are two of the best ways to discover where your heart lies. Collect receipts for 3 months and then sit down to determine what your spending actually looks like.

This will be daunting at first but your spending reveals a great deal about where your heart is. Tracking your spending will enable you to face your reality and then change.

Make Hard Choices

While tracking your spending and taking time to discover your purpose are important, it is equally important to make decisions which reflect your purpose. There are so many wonderful opportunities which we are able to participate in. Yet, doing something simply because it is a good opportunity is not reason enough.

No matter how difficult it is, taking your life under the microscope is extremely important. Your activities, giving, spending and experiences need to line up with where your heart is. Sometimes this means forgoing good opportunities to wait for better ones.


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So what does storing up treasure in heaven look like?

It is an intentional life. Allow yourself time to make decisions which reflect who and where God is calling you to be. Cut anything out of your life which does not fall into line with your purpose. It will not be easy but it will allow you embrace a life of true more than enough.



More than Enough is a team of financial fitness coaches and trained mortgage agents working together to help you live free of debt, find joy in giving and experience a life of abundance. If you are looking for a Christian mortgage agent or financial advice, please visit our “Contact Us” page.