Die to the old way and embrace the new! 

We are continually making plans for a new way. We want new things, new hairstyles, new cars, new ideas and new hope that will bring a new way forward, and yet there is part of us that wants us to stay in our comfort zone; a part of us that resists all these new things.

There is always tension in change.

That is because we are all human and for all of us, change is hard.

We like routine and we enjoy comfort.

Change can mean challenging that comfort. Yet, things are constantly changing around us. So rather than pushing back against the tension, let us allow ourselves to go with it, determining if the change is good or bad, and considering what difference the changes will make in our lives, or in our businesses.

It is important for us to be constantly challenging the way we do things.

That means using discernment and prayer to help guide us in change, because we all know that not all change is good or helpful.

Once we sense that change is the way we need to go, then I am a big advocate of embracing that change as it will make a positive difference in the way we do things. By allowing this new way you are becoming all that you were made to be. God will be pleased and you will be more joyful.

You may have noticed that you are not the same now as you were when you started life. Things have changed and they will keep changing and that is a good thing for everyone. From a business perspective, you may have noticed that your business is not the same as it was when it started. Things are always changing; you will hear people say that it isn’t the way that it used to be.

But what in the world is the same as it was?

If we are honest with ourselves we have to say, “not much”. I hope that some things are better, yet there are things that are not as good: maybe some personal things, maybe some business things, maybe some family things.


How have you embraced changes in your life?

Are you learning to be who you are gifted to be?

Has your business evolved?

Has your vision evolved?

Has the mission evolved?



Evolve and be strategic

Embrace the notion that you need to evolve, especially as you build your business. A good business practice is to be thinking and asking yourself strategic questions.

The key first questions should always be:

“Why am I in this business?”  

“Is it more than just about making money?”

“Why this business and not another kind of business?”

“Am I able to fully express my gifting and passions in the business?

As you ask yourself these questions, remember the different phases of building your business.

Change is hard work

Embracing change is hard work, yet work that needs to be done.You need to keep changing the gears as you are building through the different phases. There is change every day with few mountaintop moments. Most of the time you need to be digging ditches. These ditches are the sweat equity that makes the most difference.


Be engaged

Be the kind of business owner that you would like to work for. Think about the kind of attributes that you would like to see in an owner. Think of the words that best describe what you would want to be.


When we look at the change in our personal lives, or our business lives, we need to understand it is a healthy part of growth. Embrace change and ask questions of those changes to create the life and business you desire. God is the One who directs, guides and helps us through the changing circumstances that enhance each phase of our lives and businesses.


Embrace those changes that will make a difference!


Bron Vasic is a Chartered Accountant and Certified Management Consultant. For over 30 years, he has been providing business leaders with the leadership and management knowledge to help them find a better way to balance their business challenges. Bron is also a More Than Enough financial coach. To learn more about Bron visit  http://www.bvasic.com/. To talk with Bron, call the MTE office and book an appointment.