According to Merriam-Webster’s dictionary a covenant is “a usually formal, solemn and binding agreement ,” but how often have you thought about making a covenant regarding your finances? To really live a life of More Than Enough you need to make a formal, solemn and binding agreement before God.

Put a Stake in the Ground!

You need something to fall back on and a place to look too when the going gets tough. Making that promise before God is so important and it needs to be a point of reference for your whole life.

Things to remember when you hear the word covenant!
-God is for you. He wants you to live free.
-God wants to empower you. He isn’t out to beat you up when you fail.
-This doesn’t have to be a scary word. God knows we all fail and He is our biggest cheerleader
despite it!

The Dirty Word

No one likes the word accountability. It means people knowing about your struggles, doubts and admitting you aren’t perfect. Yes. This is all true but when you open yourself up and humble yourself before a person or people whom you trust it is not as terrifying as it sounds.

Things to remember when you hear the word accountability!
-Accountability is proactive. It asks “How are you buffering?” not “How did you fail?”
-Accountability recognizes your need for help before you go on a shopping spree, not after.
-Finding a person (or people) you trust is imperative to fulfilling your covenant before God. 

Choose wisely who will walk alongside you in relationship because you are both there for the longhaul.

Do Something!

Don’t sit and wait until you’re less busy or for the ‘right time,’ act now! Ultimately you just need to do something. Plan your financial date, start collecting receipts, find an accountability partner or place the stake in the ground. 

Things to remember!
-DO SOMETHING! The first step to financial freedom begins with you.
-Don’t procrastinate. Procrastination kills our efforts before we even begin.
-Pursue your dreams. Let your financial sacrifices be stepping stones to doing the things you love!

To unlock financial freedom you need to commit. Make a covenant and find people to support you in this promise before God. Most of all don’t just sit and wait. Do something.

If you need advice or just someone to listen, don’t hesitate to call our office (613) 520.4157 or visit our website at You can also hear the radio show which inspired this blog at under Financial Fitness Shows. This one is from May 7, 2010 and titled The Power of Commitment.



“Covenant.” Merriam-Webster, n.d. Web. 7 Oct. 2014. <>.