You are a 10,000 piece jigsaw puzzle.

From the dawn of time, God has been slowly piecing you together to form the beautiful masterpiece that is you. Yet, your jigsaw puzzle has a piece missing and you will spend your whole life searching for the missing piece.

Relationship with Jesus Christ is what will fill up your hole. Unfortunately the white space in our puzzle creates chaos. Instead of Jesus, we fill our lives with what we think is the answer.

To live a life free of fear we must be able to confront the lies surrounding our missing puzzle piece.

Lie #1: Stuff Satisfies

The culture we live in bombards us with thousands of images each day. All the advertisers say “If you have my product, you will be happy, comfortable or successful.”
What this lie can lead too:
-Buying things we don’t need.
-Increasing stress and decreasing happiness.
-Depending on credit instead of Jesus.

Lie #2: I am incomplete.

We cannot fill up the hole on our own and God is anxious to impart the missing piece to those who seek. Yet, we push away his hand in the hopes of being sufficient on our own.
What this lie can lead too:
-Distancing God from our life and finances.
-Self-reliance instead of trust in God.

Lie #3: Trading down our gift.

“If you… know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him!” (New International Version, Matthew 7.11). Ultimately we do not believe there is enough for us. Our need to fill the hole and our apprehension about accepting the puzzle piece would disappear if we trusted in the truth.
What this lie can lead too:
Filling our hole with more and more stuff.
-Fear about the future.

There is enough, in fact there is more than enough for each one of us. We don’t have to be afraid of seeking the desires of our hearts because He promises we will find what we seek.

Now what?

If you find you are filling your life with lies and want to talk or break the cycle please talk to someone. Accountability and time spent in the Word of God are two of the most powerful means by which to break these lies off of your life. You can also give our office a call if you need some council or just a listening ear.

If you visit you can also find the corresponding Financial Fitness show labelled April 16, 2010 for more in depth guidance.