Need another reason to buy Natalie Rowe’s book S.E.T. Proceed and Succeed in Your Career: Winning Perspectives for Career Navigation and Success? Here is a sneak peak into Natalie’s perspective on how to win in your career.

“Your career matters because you have the ability to meet needs. Each person was born with their own portion. Another way to see it is that we all came into this world with start-up capital.”

“Needs never go into recession. As long as people are alive, needs exist. Consider that whether the stock market goes up or down, you still need to eat, wear, and sleep. The thing that will likely change with your income is the way in which you eat, wear, and sleep. Therefore, the part that changes with economic movements is how people meet their needs.”

“An equally important perspective to build your confidence as you pursue your career, is knowing that help is guaranteed along the way. Often, people do not pursue the deep desires of their heart because they cannot see how they will be able to accomplish the goal. They know that they will need help, but they are uncertain of the source. Whether with your career or any other venture, the “hidden” treasure of help is available to everyone. However, help most often reveals itself to those who are willing to step out and try, despite the obstacles.”

“Talents are equal in essence and substance because they all have the capacity to meet needs, and when a need is met, the common outcome is satisfaction. Consequently, since different talents are required to meet different needs, it means that whatever your talent, in essence, it stands equally among all talents. It is important to grasp this truth in order to avoid the pitfall of devaluing the talents that you have and diminishing the extent to which they can be of benefit by forfeiting their development.”

“Training enables you to bring your ability to the marketplace, where you can be paid to meet needs. The training process is its own reward in that it comes with the inalienable compensation of knowledge and expertise gained. This no one can take from you, except that you choose to marginalize, devalue, or ignore it. Training acknowledges that talents and personality are often “diamonds in the rough” that require refinement, direction, and buffing in order to provide maximum value.”

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