The More Than Enough Coaching Programs

On today’s show, Dave and Reb talk about the two coaching programs offered through More Than Enough (MTE) Financial. It is the heart of MTE’s team to see people set free in their finances, but also in their relationship with God. They offer hope for people who struggle making a living and paying off debt. As they share through the Hebrew Scriptures this morning, Dave and Reb and the MTE team are working at spurring one another on toward love and good deeds (see Hebrews 10:24).

“At More Than Enough over the past 10 years, coaching has taken different forms, but at the heart of all we have done and continue to do, we have worked one-on-one to help people establish spending plans, pay down debt, and build emergency cushions, while encouraging them daily to get to know God as a good Father who cares about all the details of their lives,” Dave says.

More Than Enough has coaches who work one-on-one with clients through two different coaching programs: Unleashed and Coaching Quarters.

Unleashed is a one-year program that involves one-on-one coaching and a series of workshops that deal with the heart issues around money. Topics such as purpose, commitment, contentment, appetites and longings, and stewardship are a part of the year-long group sessions.

Coaching Quarters is the new “lighter” coaching version that involves quarterly one-on-one coaching and provides tools that will help people on their financial journey.

To learn more, listen in, or click on the coaching button on this website. If you are feeling stressed or concerned about your finances and don’t know where to start, the team at More Than Enough would be happy to help. We offer a shame-free, non-judgemental environment where you can ask questions and find what you need to become financially free.