Challenges of Moving

It takes commitment and perseverance when it comes to purging. Pastor Ray Borg from Financial Discipleship Canada shares with Dave and Reb the challenges he and his wife faced when they put their house for sale, and bought a new home this fall. It reminded him of how God asks us to set aside old seasons and all the “baggage” before we enter new seasons – just as they needed to do when they moved.

As they packed up boxes, they realized they were taking memories from their past and they needed to decide if they should really bring things like high school yearbooks or wedding cards from 30 years ago into their new home.

“The amount of ‘stuff’ we can accumulate is amazing and moving is a good reason for purging, but it is something we can do all year long,” Reb says. “Not everyone follows a minimalist path, but getting rid of the things that clog up our lives is always a healthy choice. We need less than we think.”

And Dave knows that we all need to start somewhere, so he leaves listeners with some practical homework for the month of December.

Their homework involves a two-fold challenge: one is to collect food every day during the upcoming advent season and put it in a donation box for those in need, and the other involves purging household items to give away.

“You can put a box in each bedroom of your home, and ask each family member to purge one thing a day for a month, and put it in the box,” Reb says. “Then at the end of the month you have 30 or 31 things to give away or throw away from each bedroom.”

In this season of societal accumulation, it is good to think of another way of living – more simply and less congested by possessions.

Listen in to hear their conversation.