On this Good Friday, when we reflect on the suffering, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, Dave and Reb welcome a guest who has a very special way of depicting Jesus and the stories he lived and shared 2000 years ago.

On today’s show, American fashion photographer Michael Belk tells of his financial journey with God during the recession of 2008, and how God has been using his abilities to bring the stories of Jesus to life in a book of photographs called Journeys with the Messiah.

In this unique artististic book, Michael Belk reveals Jesus in first-century settings interacting with modern-day men and women, depicted as high rollers, executives, travellers and people from all walks of life.

“There is something profound that God speaks through these photographs,” Reb says. “It is like the Holy Spirit is whispering to me – reminding me of all the things Jesus has said.”

You won’t want to miss hearing his story of finding Christ, and how he came to realize that the world’s wealth could never truly satisfy the needs of his heart. In a time when Michael had risen to the pinnacle of his wealth and career, he was the lowest in his soul. Hearing Christ calling out to him from the pit of his despair was the beginning of his journey as a disciple of Jesus. Listen to his story and look at his inspirational book of photographs, by going to journeyswiththemessiah.org.