We have all been there. The sleepless nights, the bills piling up as hopelessness and discouragement set in. Sometimes it is a job change, an illness, an unexpected expense and suddenly we find ourselves overwhelmed with fear.

Fear that there isn’t enough.

Fear that this will never end.

So how do we lift this cloud of fear? 

Give Grace for Mistakes

When faced with discouragement and fear, we can feel very alone and ashamed of our financial decisions. Remember there is grace for mistakes. Guilt and shame do not lead to financial freedom and we must allow ourselves room for the moments when we make mistakes.

Steer Clear of the Blame Game

No matter what difficult financial situation we find ourselves in, there is always someone else to blame! Resist the temptation to lay the blame at the feet of a spouse, partner, mentor, enemy or even God. Instead of thinking about how we got here, we need to contemplate how we will overcome it. 

Don’t Avoid the Pain

When faced with the pain of financial distress, our first inclination is often to avoid the source of our discomfort. This can be detrimental and create much larger problems. When we feel like running away, we must seek outside help to keep us accountable.

Leverage the Pain 

Pain can be a powerful short term motivator. Making the best use of this motivator can kick-start us into better decision making in the future. Take advantage of this desire to avoid pain in the future!

Plan Ahead

Closely related to leveraging our pain, start planning for the unexpected. Build an emergency cushion, even if it only starts with saving $5.00 from each paycheck! For many Christmas is a financially stressful period, start saving money in advance so the bills do not loom so tall next year.

Define ‘Richness’

Andy Stanley has written an amazing book called How to Be Rich: It’s Not What You Have. It’s What You Do With What You Have. One of the many lies we believe when we are in financial distress is the lie of poverty. According to the Global Rich List those who make $25,000 a year in Canada are in the top 4% richest people in the world. It is time to shift our thinking about what ‘rich’ means. Rather than looking all around us for the definition, we need to define it for ourselves.

You can purchase Andy Stanley’s book here:  https://www.amazon.com/How-Be-Rich-What-Have-ebook/dp/B00DL18FCA

And you can try out Global Rich List here: http://www.globalrichlist.com/

Practice Gratitude

Armed with a new definition of ‘richness,’ the next step is to cultivate an attitude of gratitude. Anxiety and fear around money can often stem from discontent. After facing our fears in the face and combating the idea that we are poor, gratitude brings us to a place free from fear. 

Share Your Burdens

We are not alone. There are people all around us, desperate to be the hands and feet of God in our life. Not only do we have friends, family but the God of the Universe offers to exchange our burdens for his easy yolk. We need to remind ourselves of the value of sharing our burdens and struggles with our God and the trusted people around us.

Fast and Pray

Sometimes we need breakthrough. There just isn’t enough to pay the bills for this month and the God Gap (the difference between the money made and the money spent) has grown so wide it seems impossible to make ends meet. Don’t underestimate the value of prayer and fasting. Seeking the Lord and pressing in for answers is the most effective way to relieve the burden of financial stress.

Seek First His Kingdom

Last, but certainly not least, remember the promise of God. Matthew 6:33 “But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.” When we make seeking God’s way a priority He promises to provide for all of our needs. When we press into Him, He delivers us.

This is the year of freedom. There is no reason to stay in the same place, alone and afraid of our money story. These tips are only the beginning of learning to live free but the key is starting now. Don’t avoid the pain but rather press into our God for deliverance.