By Bron Vasic, More Than Enough Entrepreneurial Coach

It is the year 2020, and never have we had more need for 20/20 vision. That means that in these uncertain times of economic instability and health scares, we need eyesight that brings clarity and wisdom.

That is why I believe we need to be both “faith wise” and “financial wise” in 2020. I believe that God is not to be compartmentalized, He needs to be part of everything, and He needs to be in everything because He is in everything!

In our world today the term 20/20 denotes perfect eyesight – that means our eyes do not need any assistance to see or function.  When our eyes are not 20/20, we get them checked and purchase the appropriate eyewear so we can see better and have clarity.

That is the way I see faith and finances. They need to co-exist in perfect alignment, to provide us with clear sight. And if we are not seeing our financial circumstances with clarity, it is time to draw on our faith and intentionally invite God into our financial journey. 

How do we get to the place where we have this alignment with Faith and Finances?

The simple answer is that we keep our eyes on Jesus all the time, focusing on having him part of every conversation.  He and the Holy Spirit will give us the clarity to navigate the challenges that this world has with money. And while we invite Jesus into our daily interactions with money, we also take action!

Taking Action 

One of my favourite sayings comes from when I was learning to kayak in white water. The instructors told us that “doing nothing is not an option!” So here are three action steps you can take to build your arsenal of faith and financial wisdom. 

Live within your means – I know that means making a spending plan and tracking your income and your expenses, but how can you manage anything if you do not have the data? The answer, in my opinion, “is not very well.”  This may be a painful reality, but please start and face your finances! (At More Than Enough, we have coaches and resources to help people with these practical steps.)

Identify ways to cut back – It is time to take stock of what the important things are and what you really need. Maybe it is time to look at how you can live with less, or maybe rethink some of the expenses you can do without, even that extra vehicle in the driveway.

Boost emergency savings – At More Than Enough, one of the first things we emphasize is building an emergency cushion of up to $2000. We stress the importance of having this account, so that when emergencies arise, you can draw from your own account and not use credit. 


In God’s economy, there is always hope. Being faithful with finances, even when you are going through a difficult financial situation, eventually sets you up for a successful financial future! In 1 Timothy 6:6, the Lord tells us that true godliness with contentment is itself great wealth.” To find that great wealth, you and I need to become men and women who are both “faith wise” and “financial wise”.