On today’s “Let’s Talk Money” show, Dave and Reb get an update from More Than Enough Coach and Tax Specialist Bron Vasic regarding the current tax season and how Covid-19 has changed deadlines and attitudes at Canada Revenue Agency. It certainly is an unprecedented financial tax season in Canada, and together they talk about the importance of being compliant with income tax return, especially now. 

“The folks at CRA are helpful and understanding for the enquiries they are receiving, so if you are having any trouble it’s important to reach out to them, even if you need to wait on the phone,” Bron says.

Bron says that many good changes have taken place this year amidst the Covid-19 challenges. People seem to be filing their taxes sooner and meeting deadlines so cash flow comes through to help them through this uncertain time. 

“There is more patience by CRA on matters as well, and a more helpful tone in calling CRA, alongside more practicality and helping each other out,” he adds.

The tax season has been extended to June 1st for personal taxes, and multiple changes have been made for corporate filings and HST. Go to www.morethanenough.ca for more information or call 613-520-4157 if you need help connecting with CRA. MTE Administrator Debbie Gallagher has compiled answers to many current questions around taxes and other government changes happening at this time.