Dave and Reb welcome More Than Enough (MTE) Coaching Client Sandy Kingston to today’s podcast “Let’s Talk Money” to talk about being unleashed from debt. She shares about the benefits she received from the year-long MTE Coaching workshops called Unleashed, alongside her monthly one-on-one coaching sessions. 

“Unleashed opened a channel through which God’s grace could flow,” she says. “Through showing up to the Unleashed sessions, doing the work that was asked and by following the guidance of my financial advisor, my perceptions around money and spending have miraculously started to change. The change in perception is an important piece because without that, my old thinking would continue to take me back into debt. My new perception around money is now more in line with how God would have me think and shows up in what He would have me do.”

The More Than Enough Unleashed workshops are offered online – in conjunction with one-on-one coaching – once a month, and deal with the heart of issues of money, like purpose, commitment, understanding your past, as well as dealing with envy, comparing, and learning contentment. 

“You may not believe it, but money is about so much more than just numbers,” Reb says. “If it was just about the numbers no one would be in debt. In our Unleashed sessions, we address so many other things that are influencing our financial habits and money stories.”

If you are interested in learning more about Unleashed, go to www.morethanenough.ca, email info@morethanenough.ca or call 613-520-4157.