On today’s podcast, Rev. Ray Borg from Financial Discipleship Canada and notmine.ca leads Dave and Reb in a discussion of a beautiful Old Testament story of care, love and provision that has a lot of principles to encourage listeners today. The story of Elisha and the widow with the jars of oil reflects God’s heart for us, and together they unpack the faith, trust, community, and desperation found there. 

“The story found in 2 Kings, is a great example we can dig into, and learn from,” Dave says.

In this story, the widow with two sons, seeks Elisha’s help as the prophet of God. She desires a word from God as she is desperate to be freed from debt so she won’t need to sell her sons into slavery. The word Elisha speaks, she obeys. She finds the help she needs, and God asks her to use what she has to accomplish his purpose. 

“This is a story of grief and hope, seeking and asking, believing and acting out of that faith,” Reb says. “It is an example to us, of how we can suffer in our circumstances, but still find God with us, and willing to lead us to find answers we need.”

Tune in to hear their thoughts, and go to notmine.ca, or morethanenough.ca to find out how you can be encouraged on your financial journey.