Natalie Rowe is a woman who wears many hats. She is a mother, financial coach, author, and friend. Next to her passion of following Jesus Christ, Natalie is a woman who loves to walk with people as they discover their own callings and purpose, seeing them pursue what they were made to be and do. We interviewed Natalie on “Let’s Talk Money with Dave and Reb” recently, mining her expertise and passion in the area of career transition, and also highlighting parts of her book S.E.T. Proceed and Succeed in Your Career. In light of current employment and economic uncertainty due in part to the global pandemic, we know that Natalie is a voice of hope, reason, love and encouragement. Over the next four weeks, Natalie looks at the importance of risk-taking on our journeys of discovery and career transition, and delves into the acronym of R.I.S.K.


Submitting to the process of this transition

It would be nice if everything came easily but that would deny us the opportunity to grow. Character and talents are never developed on”easy street” but in the “school of hard knocks”. It would be nice if everything was certain. But that would leave no room for faith (a key dimension of love), and the need for community with each other and with God. 

All things unfold in the environment of uncertainty and risk. So from the get-go, expect that all things will not go as planned. Therefore, approach your career transition with a stick-to-it attitude. It will mean facing your fears and stepping out of your comfort zone. But see these as necessary steps to reach a higher level. Stick to the goal of career transition and be flexible to pivot towards changes that will keep you moving towards the goal. For example, your plan to do a six-month certificate program may be extended to 18 months due to an unforeseen family situation. But this should not cause you to abandon your goal, as delay is not denial.

Yielding to the process of career transition is possible, especially with your support circle and the guaranteed help of God.

If you have further questions or would like to meet with Natalie, please email or call 613-520-4157.

Next week, Natalie will look at the letter K, in assessing R.I.S.K.