Three Practical Financial Tips for Parents

Three Practical Financial Tips for Parents

Without a doubt children are one of the greatest gifts from God but no one will argue they require a great deal of time and energy. As parents we want our children to have a successful financial future, but how do you train your kids to be financially fit? Be...
One Small Change

One Small Change

It started with one thought, a man of action, and an old tire, and before I knew it, we had created a new fireside pit away from our forest of mosquito infested trees. We have had a great firepit the past 12 years on our rural Eastern Ontario property, but every...

From Winter to Spring with Brian Doerksen

To watch the Facebook live video with Brian, Dave and Reb check out this link: We have come to expect winter. The slush and snow and cold come every year and we smile, button up our jackets and start...
It Hurts to Pay Cash

It Hurts to Pay Cash

Financial Gain through Pain “There is no coming to consciousness without pain.” Carl Jung, Swiss psychiatrist and psychoanalyst As the saying goes there is no gain without pain, or as Jung has said, there is no coming to conscious awareness without feeling pain....