SMART and SMARTER: The Acronyms to Reach Your Financial Goals
If you need a concrete tool to help you fulfil financial goals, the SMART and SMARTER acronyms may just be what you need! A goal is a dream with a deadline. Napoleon Hill Some of you may have heard of the “S.M.A.R.T. way to write management’s goals and objectives”...Windows of Tolerance: Moving Beyond Flight, Fight, Freeze Behaviours in Our Finances
Money can make us feel insecure, bring up bad memories, and create anxiety and stress about the future. All of these might make us want to fight those around us, flee from the problem, or just numb out of the feelings.
The Source of Hope and Freedom
Where do we go to find this hope and freedom? Where are we putting our hope that freedom will come? Can it really be called hope and freedom if the source is not God Creator, Jesus Redeemer, and Holy Spirit Guide? Where do we put our trust? Where are we looking? What...Hope and Freedom
Hope is a projection of the imagination; so is despair. Despair all too readily embraces the ills it foresees; hope is an energy and arouses the mind to explore every possibility to combat them…In response to hope the imagination is aroused to picture every possible...Mary’s YES
When David and I left a family business over 15 years ago, we headed into the unknown. Trying to follow God’s leading, trying to obey, trying to give our daily YES to God.