by Rebecca van Noppen | Jun 19, 2015 | Articles
My father used to count his pennies. Literally. Before I was born, my father would count the change, down to the last pennies, even the pennies my mother brought home from the grocery store. Every penny mattered. With little cash, and little access to credit,...
by Darryl | Jun 12, 2015 | Articles
This week’s radio show sparked my interest, as I am preparing for university in the fall. Ryan and Lynn’s conversation touched on a wide variety of topics around graduating university debt free (if you haven’t listened to it yet, click here), yet I was struck by how...
by Darryl | Jun 5, 2015 | Articles, Featured Blog
It is time for that date, and not just any date! It is time to sit down with your spouse and start talking money. Money can be an inflammable topic that we want to avoid at all costs, but avoidance will not make money issues go away. Kindness, financial dates and the...
by More Than Enough | May 29, 2015 | Articles |
Tongues of fire, waters of kindness: being kinder than necessary Bringing kindness into our marriages, and more specifically into our financial discussions, may seem obvious. But with the current climate of broken marriages in our society, maybe it isn’t....
by More Than Enough | May 15, 2015 | Articles
Advertisements have the uncanny ability to get under our skin. In 30 seconds they evoke pleasure, fear, joy or pain. Sometimes they do it all at once. One of the more recent MasterCard commercials did just that. If you haven’t seen it yet you can watch it here. What...
by More Than Enough | May 8, 2015 | Articles
Is normal good? The average Canadian family spends 50% more than what they make. Do you want to be normal? The average student graduates university with approximately $20,000 of debt. So often our world drives us to fit in with the status quo. Buy the big home...