Falling off the Wagon

Falling off the Wagon

I have a confession to make. We have fallen off the wagon. Yes. It does happen. And no I am not talking about alcohol or drugs or overeating. I am talking finances. And yes…your financial coach doesn’t always get it right.   Shocking, I know.   Okay....
How to Avoid the Money Fight

How to Avoid the Money Fight

In our hopelessly busy world setting aside time to talk is difficult. Yet, the most powerful tool for creating unity is a weekly financial date.   What is a financial date? A financial date is simply time set aside for approximately half an hour each week to ask...
Money in Marriage

Money in Marriage

More often than not, money is the wedge and not the glue in a marriage. Yet money can be the most effective way to bring a couple together instead of dividing them. A couple who practice communication and gratitude in this area will be able to do so in any other area...
The Key to Freedom

The Key to Freedom

Money is important to God. There are fewer than 500 verses in the Bible about faith and more than 2,000 related to money and possessions (Laurie). Why is this subject so important to God? We cannot serve two masters and money is the biggest stumbling block in our...
Sparrow Faith

Sparrow Faith

Do you worry about what you will eat, drink or wear? Many of us do because we have an underlying belief in the sow and reap principle when it comes to our provision. If we make good financial decisions, we will reap the benefits. This is a very popular view and there...
Three Rivers- A Money Parable

Three Rivers- A Money Parable

Why do those around us seem to prosper while we drown in financial trouble? Why do I seem to sabotage myself on the road to financial freedom? If you have ever asked yourself these questions the following parable from Craig Hill is for you! Once upon a time there were...