From Slavery to Sonship

From Slavery to Sonship

Money is so closely connected with who we are that spending decisions are dramatically influenced by what we believe. Jesus says “Out of the overflow of the heart, the mouth speaks,” and this is clear in finances. Our spending habits reveal our pain and insecurity and...
The Most Effective Way to Be Debt Free

The Most Effective Way to Be Debt Free

Coaching is a very important piece of what we do at More than Enough. Having a coach is the most effective ways to become debt free for life. Through consistent and committed coaching, you are able to enter into the life of freedom which God has for you.   What...
From Debt to Hope

From Debt to Hope

Debt is overwhelming. So many of us can’t seem to find a grip and we live paycheck to paycheck without any hope of overcoming this obstacle. The good news is there is hope! If you are looking to get out of debt there is light at the end of the tunnel, no matter what...
Finances for Newlyweds

Finances for Newlyweds

Preparing financially for life after the wedding is very important. Without this starting place firmly established our relationship will suffer and stress will drown the beauty of life together.   Transparency Money has the ability to bring a great deal of shame...
Budgeting for a Wedding

Budgeting for a Wedding

Love is in the air! With Valentine’s Day approaching and spring time not far off, weddings become top of mind for many. A wedding is a wonderful expression of love between two people, and along with this expression can come great expense. Here are three practical ways...
Living Free in 2015

Living Free in 2015

Are we ready to be free from our debt? Step one was to create a plan and FACE our current reality. Step two, set aside between $1,000 and $2,000 for an emergency cushion. Now it is time to laser focus on our debt and have it paid off as soon as possible! The Snowball...